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37.17.3 XBM Images

To use XBM format, specify xbm as the image type. This image format doesn’t require an external library, so images of this type are always supported.

Additional image properties supported for the xbm image type are:

:foreground foreground

The value, foreground, should be a string specifying the image foreground color, or nil for the default color. This color is used for each pixel in the XBM that is 1. The default is the frame’s foreground color.

:background background

The value, background, should be a string specifying the image background color, or nil for the default color. This color is used for each pixel in the XBM that is 0. The default is the frame’s background color.

If you specify an XBM image using data within Emacs instead of an external file, use the following three properties:

:data data

The value, data, specifies the contents of the image. There are three formats you can use for data:

:width width

The value, width, specifies the width of the image, in pixels.

:height height

The value, height, specifies the height of the image, in pixels.

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