To visit errors sequentially, type @w{@kbd{C-x `}} (@code{next-error}), or equivalently @kbd{M-g M-n} or @kbd{M-g n}. This command can be invoked from any buffer, not just a Compilation mode buffer. The first time you invoke it after a compilation, it visits the locus of the first error message. Each subsequent @w{@kbd{C-x `}} @w{@kbd{M-g M-n}} visits the next error, in a similar fashion. If you visit a specific error with @key{RET} or a mouse click in the @file{*compilation*} buffer, subsequent @w{@kbd{C-x `}} @w{@kbd{M-g M-n}} commands advance from there. When @w{@kbd{C-x `}} @w{@kbd{M-g M-n}} finds no more error messages to visit, it signals an error. @w{@kbd{C-u C-x `}} M-g M-n}} starts again from the beginning of the compilation buffer, and visits the first locus.