For finer control over package loading, which packages are made available at startup, you can use the variable @code{package-load-list}. Its value should be a list. A list element of the form @code{(@var{name} @var{version})} @w{@code{(@var{name} @var{version})}} tells Emacs to load make available version @var{version} of the package named @var{name}. Here, @var{version} should be a version string (corresponding to a specific version of the package), or @code{t} (which means to load make available any installed version), or @code{nil} (which means no version; this disables the package, preventing it from being loaded). made available). A list element can also be the symbol @code{all}, which means to load make available the latest installed version of any package not named by the other list elements. The default value is just @code{'(all)}.