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30.24 ドラッグアンドドロップ

Data transferred by drag and drop is generally either plain text or a list of URLs designating files or other resources. When text is dropped, it is inserted at the location of the drop, with recourse to saving it into the kill ring if that is not possible.

URLs dropped are supplied to pertinent DND handler functions in the variable dnd-protocol-alist, or alternatively “URL handlers” as set forth by the variables browse-url-handlers and browse-url-default-handlers; absent matching handlers of either type, they are treated as plain text and inserted in the buffer.

Variable: dnd-protocol-alist

This variable is an alist between regexps against which URLs are matched and DND handler functions called on the dropping of matching URLs.

If a handler function is a symbol whose dnd-multiple-handler property (see シンボルのプロパティ) is set, then upon a drop it is given a list of every URL that matches its regexp; absent this property, it is called once for each of those URLs. Following this first argument is one of the symbols copy, move, link, private or ask identifying the action to be taken.

If action is private, the program that initiated the drop does not insist on any particular behavior on the part of its recipient; a reasonable action to take in that case is to open the URL or copy its contents into the current buffer. The other values of action imply much the same as in the action argument to dnd-begin-file-drag.

Once its work completes, a handler function must return a symbol designating the action it took: either the action it was provided, or the symbol private, which communicates to the source of the drop that the action it prescribed has not been executed.

When multiple handlers match an overlapping subset of items within a drop, the handler matched against by the greatest number of items is called to open that subset. The items it is supplied are subsequently withheld from other handlers, even those they also match.

Emacs does not take measures to accept data besides text and URLs, for the window system interfaces which enable this are too far removed from each other to abstract over consistently. Nor are DND handlers accorded influence over the actions they are meant to take, as particular drag-and-drop protocols deny recipients such control. The X11 drag-and-drop implementation rests on several underlying protocols that make use of selection transfer and share much in common, to which low level access is provided through the following functions and variables:

Variable: x-dnd-test-function

This function is called to ascertain whether Emacs should accept a drop. It is called with three arguments:

  • The window under the item being dragged, which is to say the window whose buffer is to receive the drop. If the item is situated over a non-window component of a frame (such as scroll bars, tool bars and things to that effect), the frame itself is provided in its place.
  • One of the symbols move, copy, link or ask, representing an action to take on the item data suggested by the drop source. These symbols carry the same implications as in x-begin-drag.
  • A vector of selection data types (see X Selections) the item provides.

This function must return nil to reject the drop or a cons of the action that will be taken (such as through transfer to a DND handler function) and the selection data type to be requested. The action returned in that cons may also be the symbol private, which intimates that the action taken is as yet indeterminate.

Variable: x-dnd-known-types

Modifying x-dnd-test-function is generally unwarranted, for its default set of criteria for accepting a drop can be adjusted by changing this list of selection data types. Each element is a string, which if found as the symbol name of an element within the list of data types by the default “test function”, will induce that function to accept the drop.

Introducing a new entry into this list is not useful unless a counterpart handler function is appended to x-dnd-types-alist.

Variable: x-dnd-types-alist

This variable is an alist between strings designating selection data types and functions which are called when things of such types are dropped.

Each such function is supplied three arguments; the first is the window or frame below the location of the drop, as in x-dnd-test-function; the second is the action to be taken, which may be any of the actions returned by test functions, and third is the selection data itself (see Accessing Selections).

Selection data types as provided by X11 drag-and-drop protocols are sometimes distinct from those provided by the ICCCM and conforming clipboard or primary selection owners. Frequently, the name of a MIME type, such as "text/plain;charset=utf-8" (with discrepant capitalization of the “utf-8”), is substitued for a standard X selection name such as UTF8_STRING.

The X Direct Save (XDS) protocol enables programs to devolve responsibility for naming a dropped file upon the recipient. When such a drop transpires, DND handlers and the foregoing X-specific interface are largely circumvented, tasking a different function with responding to the drop.

Variable: x-dnd-direct-save-function

This variable should be set to a function that registers and names files dropped using the XDS protocol in a two-step procedure. It is provided two arguments, need-name and filename.

  1. ファイルのドラッグ元であるアプリケーションは、ファイルを保存するためにEmacsにたいして完全なファイル名の提供を求める。この目的のために1つ目の引数need-nameに非nil、2つ目の引数filenameに保存するファイルのディレクトリー部分を除いた名前をセットしてdirect-save関数が呼び出される。この関数はファイルを保存するための完全に展開された絶対ファイル名をリターンする必要がある。たとえばDiredウィンドウにファイルがドラッグされれば、そのファイルのディレクトリーは当然ドロップされた場所に表示されているファイルのディレクトリーになるだろう。何らかの理由によりファイルの保存が不可能な場合には、この関数はドラッグアンドドロップ操作をキャンセルするnilをリターンする必要がある。
  2. ファイルのドラッグ元のアプリケーションは、1回目のdirect-save関数呼び出しでリターンされた名前でファイルを保存する。ファイルの保存に成功したら1つ目の引数need-namenil、2つ目の引数filenameに保存したファイルの完全な絶対ファイル名をセットして、もう一度direct-save関数を呼び出す。この関数にはファイルが保存されたという事実に鑑み、何であれ必要な処理を行うことが期待される。たとえばDiredならそこに新たなファイルを表示して、ディスプレイ上のディレクトリーを更新する必要があるだろう。

Its default x-dnd-direct-save-function is x-dnd-save-direct.

Function: x-dnd-save-direct need-name filename


引数need-namenilで呼び出された際には、カレントバッファーがDiredモード、あるいはDiredを継承する子孫の場合にはDiredの一覧リストをリバート、それ以外の場合にはfind-file (ファイルをvisitする関数を参照)を呼び出してそのファイルをvisitする。

Function: x-dnd-save-direct-immediately need-name filename


It is also possible to drag content from Emacs to other programs when this is supported by the current window-system. The functions which provide for this are as follows:

Function: dnd-begin-text-drag text &optional frame action allow-same-frame

This function starts a drag-and-drop operation from frame to another program (dubbed the drop target), and returns when text is dropped or the operation is canceled.

action must be one of the symbols copy or move, where copy means that text should be inserted by the drop target, and move means the same as copy, but the caller must also delete text from its source as explained in the list below.

frame is the frame where the mouse is currently held down, or nil, which means to use the selected frame. Since this function might return promptly if no mouse buttons are held down, it should be only called in response to a down-mouse-1 or analogous event (see マウスイベント), with frame set to the frame where that event was generated (see クリックイベント).

If allow-same-frame is nil, drops on top of frame will be ignored.

The return value reflects the action that the drop target actually performed, and thus also what action, if any, the caller should in turn take. It is one of the following symbols:




The drop target inserted the dropped text, and the caller should delete text from the buffer where it was extracted from, if applicable.


The drop target took some other unspecified action.



Function: dnd-begin-file-drag file &optional frame action allow-same-frame

This function starts a drag-and-drop operation from frame to another program (dubbed the drop target), and returns when file is dropped or the operation is canceled.

If file is a remote file, then a temporary local copy will be made.


frame and allow-same-frame mean the same as they do in calls to dnd-begin-text-drag.

The return value is the action that the drop target actually performed, which is one of the following symbols:











Function: dnd-begin-drag-files files &optional frame action allow-same-frame


Function: dnd-direct-save file name &optional frame allow-same-frame

The behavior of this function is akin to that of dnd-begin-file-drag (when the default action copy is used), except that it accepts a name under which the copy is meant to be filed.

The high-level interfaces described above are implemented on top of a lower-level primitive. The low-level interface x-begin-drag is also available for dragging content besides text and files. It demands detailed knowledge of the data types and actions understood by programs on each platform its callers wish to support.

Function: x-begin-drag targets &optional action frame return-frame allow-current-frame follow-tooltip


targets is a list of strings representing selection targets, much like the data-type argument to gui-get-selection, that the drop target can request from Emacs (see ウィンドウシステムによる選択).

action is a symbol designating the action recommended to the target. It can either be XdndActionCopy or XdndActionMove; both imply copying the contents of the selection XdndSelection to the drop target, but the latter moreover conveys a promise to delete the contents of the selection after the copying.

action may also be an alist which associates between symbols representing available actions, and strings that the drop target presents to the user for him to select between those actions.

If return-frame is non-nil and the mouse moves over an Emacs frame after first moving out of frame, then the frame to which the mouse moves will be returned immediately. If return-frame is the symbol now, then any frame beneath the mouse pointer will be returned without waiting for the mouse to first move out of frame. return-frame is useful when you want to treat dragging content from one frame to another specially, while also dragging content to other programs, but it is not guaranteed to function on all systems and with all window managers.

If follow-tooltip is non-nil, the position of any tooltip (such as one displayed by tooltip-show) will follow the location of the mouse pointer as it moves during the drag-and-drop operation. The tooltip will be hidden once all mouse buttons are released.

If the drop was rejected or no drop target was found, this function returns nil. Otherwise, it returns a symbol representing the action the target opted to take, which can differ from action if that isn’t supported by the drop target. XdndActionPrivate is also a valid return value in addition to XdndActionCopy and XdndActionMove; it suggests that the drop target opted for an indeterminate action, and no further action is required of the caller.

The caller must cooperate with the target to complete the action selected by the target. For example, callers should delete any buffer text that was dragged if this function returns XdndActionMove, and likewise for other drag data where comparable criteria apply.

The function x-begin-drag leverages several drag-and-drop protocols “behind the scenes”. When dragging content that is known to not be supported by a specific drag-and-drop protocol, that protocol can be disabled by changing the values of the following variables:

Variable: x-dnd-disable-motif-protocol


Variable: x-dnd-use-offix-drop


Variable: x-dnd-use-unsupported-drop


A side effect is that Emacs will become the owner of the primary selection upon such a drop. Such emulation can be disabled by setting this variable to nil.

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