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9.1 Symbols as a Chest of Drawers

In an earlier section, I suggested that you might imagine a symbol as being a chest of drawers. The function definition is put in one drawer, the value in another, and so on. What is put in the drawer holding the value can be changed without affecting the contents of the drawer holding the function definition, and vice versa.

Actually, what is put in each drawer is the address of the value or function definition. It is as if you found an old chest in the attic, and in one of its drawers you found a map giving you directions to where the buried treasure lies.

(In addition to its name, symbol definition, and variable value, a symbol has a drawer for a property list which can be used to record other information. Property lists are not discussed here; see Property Lists in The GNU Emacs Lisp Reference Manual.)

Here is a fanciful representation:

            Chest of Drawers            Contents of Drawers

            __   o0O0o   __
          /                 \
        |    directions to    |            [map to]
        |     symbol name     |             bouquet
        |                     |
        |    directions to    |
        |  symbol definition  |             [none]
        |                     |
        |    directions to    |            [map to]
        |    variable value   |             (rose violet buttercup)
        |                     |
        |    directions to    |
        |    property list    |             [not described here]
        |                     |
        |/                   \|

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