
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. count_words
  2. get_word
  3. tab_free
  4. tab_fill
  5. tab_delete_first
  6. tab_count_words

     1 /*
     2 ** tab.c for  in
     3 **
     4 ** Made by Pierric
     5 ** Login   <>
     6 **
     7 ** Started on  Thu Jan 24 18:36:47 2002 Pierric
     8 ** Last update Mon Sep 23 18:02:02 2002 Pierric
     9 */
    10 #include <stdlib.h>
    11 #include <string.h>
    12 #include <stdio.h>
    13 #include "my_malloc.h"
    15 static int              count_words(char *str, char delim)
    16 {
    17   int                   count;
    19   count = 0;
    20   while (*str)
    21     {
    22       if (*str != delim)
    23         {
    24           count++;
    25           if (!strchr(str + 1, delim))
    26             return (count);
    27           str = strchr(str + 1, delim);
    28         }
    29       else
    30         str++;
    31     }
    32   return (count);
    33 }
    35 static char             *get_word(char **str, char delim)
    36 {
    37   char                  *tmp;
    38   char                  *new;
    40   while (**str == delim)
    41     (*str)++;
    42   if (**str == 0)
    43     return (NULL);
    44   tmp = strchr(*str, delim);
    45   if (!tmp)
    46     {
    47       new = strdup(*str);
    48       while (**str)
    49         (*str)++;
    50       return (new);
    51     }
    52   my_malloc(new, tmp - *str + 1);
    53   new[tmp - *str] = '\0';
    54   strncpy(new, *str, tmp - *str);
    55   *str = tmp;
    56   return (new);
    57 }
    59 void                    tab_free(char **tab)
    60 {
    61   int                   index;
    63   if (!tab)
    64     return;
    65   for (index = 0; tab[index]; index++)
    66     free(tab[index]);
    67   free(tab);
    68 }
    70 char                    **tab_fill(char *str, char delim)
    71 {
    72   int                   count;
    73   char                  **tab;
    74   int                   index;
    76   if (!str)
    77     return (NULL);
    78   count = count_words(str, delim);
    79   if (!count)
    80     return (NULL);
    81   my_malloc(tab, (count + 1) * sizeof(char *));
    82   for (index = 0; (tab[index] = get_word(&str, delim)); index++)
    83     ;
    84   return (tab);
    85 }
    87 /*
    88 **              Deletes the first element of a wordtab, shifting the other
    89 **      elements. The size of the malloced area stays the same, though
    90 */
    91 int                     tab_delete_first(char **tab)
    92 {
    93   int                   i;
    95   if (!tab[0])
    96     return (-1);
    97   free(tab[0]);
    98   for (i = 0; tab[i]; i++)
    99     tab[i] = tab[i + 1];
   100   return (0);
   101 }
   103 int                     tab_count_words(char **tab)
   104 {
   105   int                   count;
   107   if (!tab)
   108     return (0);
   109   for (count = 0; tab[count]; count++)
   110     ;
   111   return (count);
   112 }

/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */