
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. setDate
  2. plus
  3. minus
  4. shift
  5. isLeap
  6. isHoliday
  7. asort
  8. ReadVacation
  9. Debug
  10. WorkingDays
  11. StartDay

     1 #include "main.hpp"
     2 #pragma ident   "@(#)functions.cpp      1.0     98/11/12 (c) Rupak Rathore"
     4 // Constructor default argument initializes to today's values
     5 void Date::setDate ( int d , int m , int y ){
     6         time_t t;
     7         struct tm * ptm;
     8         t = time ( NULL ) ;
     9         if ( date != NULL )
    10                 delete date;
    11         date = NULL;
    12         if ( d == 0 && m == 0 && y == 0 ) //Explicitly called or default constructor hence leave it.
    13                 return;
    14         if ( d < 0 && m < 0 && d < 0 ) //Special instruction to initialize to today's value
    15                 d=m=y=0;
    16         date = new tm;
    17         ptm=localtime ( &t ) ;
    18         *date=(*ptm);
    19         if ( d )
    20                 date->tm_mday = d;
    21         if ( m )
    22                 date->tm_mon = m - 1; // Months are counted from January
    23         if ( y > 1900 ) // Complete year specified so take into account
    24                 y -= 1900;
    25         if ( y )
    26                 date->tm_year = y;
    27         date->tm_sec=date->tm_min=date->tm_hour=0;
    28         t = mktime ( date ) ;
    29 }
    31 // Addition operation ::: Warning ::: A combination of addition and subtraction does not give a proper result
    32 void Date::plus ( int days , int month , int year ){
    33         if ( ! set () )
    34                 return;
    35         date->tm_mday += days ;
    36         date->tm_mon += month ;
    37         date->tm_year += year ;
    38         mktime ( date );
    39 }
    41 //Subtraction operation ::: Warning ::: A combination of addition and subtraction does not give a proper result
    42 void Date::minus ( int days , int month , int year ){
    43         if ( ! set () )
    44                 return;
    45         date->tm_mday -= days ;
    46         date->tm_mon -= month ;
    47         date->tm_year -= year ;
    48         mktime ( date );
    49 }
    52 void Date::shift ( void ){//Shift this date to previous working days (useful for benchmarks)
    53         if ( ! set() )
    54                 return ;
    55         while(isHoliday(*this)||isweekend()){
    56                 date->tm_mday -= 1 ;
    57                 mktime ( date );
    58         }
    59 }
    61 // Assignment
    62 Date & Date::operator = ( Date d ){
    63         if ( d.set() )
    64                 setDate (>tm_mday,>tm_mon + 1,>tm_year );
    65         return(*this);
    66 }
    68 // Add number of days
    69 Date & Date::operator += ( int days ){
    70         if ( set () ){
    71                 date->tm_mday += days ;
    72                 mktime ( date );
    73         }
    74         return(*this);
    75 }
    77 // Subtract number of days
    78 Date & Date::operator -= ( int days ){
    79         if ( set () ){
    80                 date->tm_mday -= days ;
    81                 mktime ( date );
    82         }
    83         return(*this);
    84 }
    86 // Advance one day
    87 Date & Date::operator ++ ( void ){
    88         if ( set () ){
    89                 date->tm_mday += 1 ;
    90                 mktime ( date );
    91         }
    92         return(*this);
    93 }
    95 // Backwards one day
    96 Date & Date::operator -- ( void ){
    97         if ( set () ){
    98                 date->tm_mday -= 1 ;
    99                 mktime ( date );
   100         }
   101         return(*this);
   102 }
   104 int Date::operator - ( Date d ){
   105         long l;
   106         if (( ! set() ) || (! d.set()))
   107                 return(0);
   108         l=(mktime(date)-mktime(*24);
   109         return((int)l);
   110 }
   112 int Date::operator < ( Date d ) {
   113         return ( unidate() < d.unidate() );
   114 }
   116 int Date::operator > ( Date d ) {
   117         return ( unidate() > d.unidate() );
   118 }
   120 int Date::operator == ( Date d ) {
   121         return ( unidate() == d.unidate() );
   122 }
   124 ostream& operator <<  ( ostream &c, Date d ) {
   125         if ( ! d.set() )
   126                 c << "Null";
   127         else
   128                 c <<>tm_mday << ":" <<>tm_mon + 1 << ":" <<>tm_year + 1900 ;
   129         return ( c );
   130 }
   132 // Modified to read date in yyyymmdd format.
   133 istream& operator >> ( istream &i, Date & dd ){
   134         int d,m,y,tmp;
   135         i >> tmp;
   136         d=tmp%100;
   137         tmp/=100;
   138         m=tmp%100;
   139         tmp/=100;
   140         y=tmp;
   141         dd.setDate(d,m,y);
   142         return(i);
   143 }
   144 /*
   145 istream& operator >>  ( istream &i, Date &dd ) {
   146         char input[11];
   147         int d,m,y;
   148         cout << "Enter the date ( dd-mm-yyyy ) : ";
   149         i >> input ;
   150         d = ( input[0] - '0' ) * 10 + ( input[1] - '0' );
   151         m = ( input[3] - '0' ) * 10 + ( input[4] - '0' );
   152         y = ( input[6] - '0' ) * 1000 + ( input[7] - '0' ) * 100 + ( input[8] - '0' ) * 10 + ( input[9] - '0' );
   153         dd.setDate ( d, m, y );
   154         return ( i );
   155 }
   156 */
   158 // Check whether given year is leap or not
   159 bool isLeap ( int year ){
   160         return ( (year%100==0) ? (year%400==0) : (year%4==0) );
   161 }
   163 bool isHoliday ( Date d ){
   164         long int ld;
   165         ld = ( d.year()*100 + d.month() )*100 +;
   166         for ( int i=0; i<no_of_vacations;i++)
   167                 if ( ld == vacation[i] )
   168                         return(true);
   169         return(false);
   170 }
   172 // Sort the given array in ascending order
   173 void asort(int *a, int num){
   174         int i,k,mini,tmp;
   175         for ( k=1; k<num; k++ ){
   176                 mini=k-1;
   177                 for ( i=k; i<num; i++ )
   178                         if ( a[mini] > a[i] ) {
   179                                 tmp=a[i];
   180                                 a[i]=a[mini];
   181                                 a[mini]=tmp;
   182                         }
   183         }
   184 }
   186 void ReadVacation ( char *filename ) {
   187         // cerr << filename;
   188         ifstream vacfile(filename);
   189         if ( ! vacfile.good() )
   190                 d_error("ReadVacation","Unable to find the vacation and holidays file");
   191         // cerr << filename ;
   192         d_silent("ReadVacation","vacation file successfully opened.");
   193         no_of_vacations = 0;
   194         while ( !vacfile.eof() )
   195                 vacfile >> vacation[no_of_vacations++];
   196         --no_of_vacations;
   197         d_silent("ReadVacation","Finished Reading file");
   198         vacfile.close();
   199 }
   201 void Debug ( int lineno, int level, char* func , char* mesg ) // error_level, function, message
   202 {
   203         if ( debug_level <= level )
   204                 cerr << PROGNAME << ": " << func << ": " << lineno << ": " << debug_string[level] << ": " << mesg << endl;
   205         if ( level == ERROR ){
   206                 cerr << PROGNAME << ": Exiting because of fatal error." <<endl ;
   207                 exit(2);
   208         }
   209 }
   211 int WorkingDays(Date a, Date b){
   212         Date tmp;
   213         int wdays=0,days=0;
   214         if ( (! a.set()) || (! b.set()) )
   215                 return(0);
   216         days=b-a+1; // Inclusive
   217         tmp=a;
   218         for ( int i=0;i<days;i++){
   219                 if((!isHoliday(tmp))&&(!tmp.isweekend()))
   220                         wdays++;
   221                 tmp++;
   222         }
   223         return(wdays);
   224 }
   226 Date StartDay(Date a,int days){//Function to calculate the appropriate start day to finish in days working days
   227         Date tmp;
   228         int wdays=0;
   229         if ( ! a.set() )
   230                 return (a);
   231         tmp=a;
   232         while(wdays<days){
   233                 if((!isHoliday(tmp))&&(!tmp.isweekend()))
   234                         wdays++;
   235                 tmp--;
   236         }
   237         tmp++;
   238         return(tmp);
   239 }

/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */