
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. validate
  2. checkQuotation
  3. CommentAD
  4. validate
  5. POEntry
  6. lineCount
  7. serializeToVars
  8. write
  9. gettext
  10. parseFromVars
  11. serializeToVars
  12. POReader
  13. read
  14. write
  15. isComment
  16. comment
  17. msgid
  18. msgstr
  19. start
  20. createPOEntries
  21. stripLine
  22. printClassification
  23. classifyLine
  24. getTextDomains
  25. PORManager
  26. addPOReader
  27. getPOReader
  28. getDomainNames
  29. loadPORManager
  30. fileJoin
  31. lce_bindtextdomain
  32. lce_textdomain
  33. lce_gettext
  34. lce_dgettext
  35. lce
  36. lce_bindtextdomain
  37. lce_textdomain
  38. lce_gettext
  39. lce_dgettext
  40. lce
  41. lce_geteditcode

     1 <?php
     2 if(!defined("LCE_FUNCTIONS"))
     3 {
     4   define("LCE_FUNCTIONS", 1);
     5   include"base.php");
     6   include"lce_config.php");
     8   // Unknown line class
     9   define("LCE_UNKNOWN", 0);
    10   // pure whitespace
    11   define("LCE_WS", 1);
    12   // a unqualified comment
    13   define("LCE_COMMENT", 2);
    14   // a user/translator comment
    15   define("LCE_COMMENT_USER", 3);
    16   // a tool-generated comment
    17   define("LCE_COMMENT_TOOL", 4);
    18   // A line containing a MSGID
    19   define("LCE_MSGID", 5);
    20   // A line containing a MSGSTR
    21   define("LCE_MSGSTR", 6);
    22   // A quoted text string
    23   define("LCE_TEXT", 7);
    25   define("STATE_ABORT", 0);
    26   define("STATE_OK", 1);
    27   define("STATE_LOOP", 2);
    29   class POEntryAD extends AD
    30     {
    31       function validate($value)
    32      {
    33        //         print '"<pre>' . $value . '"<br></pre>';
    34        $result =  AD::validate(trim($value));
    35        //return $result;
    36        if($result[0])
    37          {
    38            $lines = explode("\n", ereg_replace("\r", "", $result[1]));
    39            //$lines = explode("\n", $result[1]);
    40            /*         print "<pre>";
    41            print_r($lines);
    42            print "</pre>";*/
    43            $res = array();
    44            for($i = 0; $i < count($lines); $i++)
    45              {
    46                if(trim($lines[$i]) != "")
    47                  $res[] = $lines[$i];
    48              }
    49            $result[1] = join("\n", $res);
    50            /*         print "<pre>";
    51            print_r($result[1]);
    52            print "</pre>";*/
    54            $result[0] = $this->checkQuotation($result[1]);
    55          }
    56        return $result;
    57      }
    59       function checkQuotation($str)
    60      {
    61        $rex = "\\\\n|\\\\t|\\\\r|\\\\\"";
    62        $str = ereg_replace($rex, "", $str);
    63        $str = ereg_replace("\\\\\\\\", "", $str);
    64        return !(strstr($str, "\"")
    65                 || strstr($str, "\\"));
    66      }
    67     }
    70   class CommentAD extends AD
    71     {
    72       var $prefix;
    73       function CommentAD(
    74                       $name,                    // the name of the variable
    75                       $not_null = 0,
    76                       $type = "",       // as returned by gettype
    77                       $prefix = "# ")
    78      {
    79        $this->prefix = $prefix;
    80        AD::AD($name, $not_null, $type);
    81      }
    83       function validate($value)
    84      {
    85        $res = AD::validate($value);
    86        return $res;
    87        if($res[0] && $res[1] != "")
    88          {
    89            $mod_lines = array();
    90            $lines = explode("\n", $res[1]);
    92            for($i = 0; $i < count($lines); $i++)
    93              {
    94                $line = $lines[$i];
    95                if(substr($line, 0, 1) != "#")
    96                    $line = $this->prefix . $line;
    97                $mod_lines[] = $line;
    98              }
    99            $res[1] = join("\n", $mod_lines);
   100          }
   101        return $res;
   102      }
   103     }
   105   class POEntry extends HtmlValidator
   106     {
   107       var $msgid;
   108       var $msgstr;
   109       var $user_comment;
   110       var $sys_comment;
   111       var $unk_comment;
   113       var $msgid_lc = 0;
   114       var $msgstr_lc = 0;
   115       var $user_comment_lc = 0;
   116       var $sys_comment_lc = 0;
   117       var $unk_comment_lc = 0;
   119       function POEntry()
   120      {
   121        $this->atts = array(
   122                            new AD("msgid"),
   123                            new POEntryAD("msgstr", REQUIRED_ATTRIBUTE),
   124                            new CommentAD("user_comment"),
   125                            new POEntryAD("sys_comment"),
   126                            new POEntryAD("unk_comment"),
   127                            new AD("msgid_lc", NOT_REQUIRED_ATTRIBUTE, 0),
   128                            new AD("msgstr_lc", NOT_REQUIRED_ATTRIBUTE, 0),
   129                            new AD("user_comment_lc", NOT_REQUIRED_ATTRIBUTE, 0),
   130                            new AD("sys_comment_lc", NOT_REQUIRED_ATTRIBUTE, 0),
   131                            new AD("unk_comment_lc", NOT_REQUIRED_ATTRIBUTE, 0)
   132                            );
   133      }
   135       function lineCount($entry)
   136      {
   137        $lc = count(explode("\n", $entry));
   138        return $lc;
   139      }
   141       function serializeToVars($prefix)
   142      {
   143        $this->user_comment_lc = $this->lineCount($this->user_comment);
   144        $this->unk_comment_lc = $this->lineCount($this->sys_comment);
   145        $this->sys_comment_lc = $this->lineCount($this->unk_comment);
   146        $this->msgid_lc = $this->lineCount($this->msgid);
   147        $this->msgstr_lc = $this->lineCount($this->msgstr);
   148        return HtmlValidator::serializeToVars($prefix);
   149      }
   151       function write()
   152      {
   153        $content = "";
   154        $content .= $this->user_comment . "\n";
   155        $content .= $this->unk_comment . "\n";
   156        $content .= $this->sys_comment . "\n";
   157        $content .= "msgid \"" . $this->msgid . "\"\n";
   158        $content .= 'msgstr "' . join("\"\n\"", explode("\n", $this->msgstr)) . "\"" . "\n\n";
   159        return $content;
   160      }
   161     }
   163   class POReader extends HTMLValidator
   164     {
   165       var $msgid;
   166       var $msgstr;
   167       var $user_comment;
   168       var $sys_comment;
   169       var $unk_comment;
   170       var $state;
   171       var $ignore_ws;
   172       var $po_entries;
   173       var $poe_num;
   174       var $filename;
   175       var $domain;
   177       function gettext($msgid)
   178      {
   179        if(isset($this->po_entries[$msgid]))
   180          {
   181            $po = $this->po_entries[$msgid];
   182            return StripCSlashes(join("", explode("\n", $po->msgstr)));
   183            //return $po->msgstr;
   184          }
   185        return $msgid;
   186      }
   189       function parseFromVars($prefix)
   190      {
   191        $res = HtmlValidator::parseFromVars($prefix);
   192        if($res[0])
   193          {
   194            $poe_res = true;
   195            $this->po_entries = array();
   196            for($i = 0; $i < $this->poe_num; $i++)
   197              {
   198                $poe = new POEntry;
   199                $res = $poe->parseFromVars($prefix . "_POE$i");
   200                if($res[0])
   201                  {
   202                    $msgid = $prefix . "_POE" . $i . "_MSGID";
   203                    $msgid = $$msgid;
   204                    $this->po_entries[$prefix . "_POE" . $i . "_MSGID"] = $res[1];
   205                  }
   206                else
   207                  $poe_res = false;
   208              }
   209          }
   210        if(!$poe_res)
   211          $GLOBALS[$prefix . "_ERR"] = 1;
   212        return array($poe_res, $this);
   213      }
   215       function serializeToVars($prefix)
   216      {
   217        HtmlValidator::serializeToVars($prefix);
   218        reset($this->po_entries);
   219        $i = 0;
   220        while($poe = each($this->po_entries))
   221          {
   222            $poe = $poe[1];
   223            $poe->serializeToVars($prefix . "_POE$i");
   224            $i++;
   225          }
   226      }
   229       function POReader($domain, $filename)
   230      {
   231        $this->domain = $domain;
   232        $this->filename = $filename;
   233        $this->ignore_ws = true;
   234        $this->po_entries = array();
   235        $this->atts = array(
   236                            new AD("domain", REQUIRED_ATTRIBUTE),
   237                            new AD("filename", REQUIRED_ATTRIBUTE),
   238                            new AD("poe_num", REQUIRED_ATTRIBUTE, 0)
   239                            );
   240      }
   243       function read()
   244      {
   245        if($fh = fopen($this->filename, "r"))
   246          {
   247            $this->lines = array();
   248            while (!feof ($fh))
   249              {
   250                $line = fgets($fh, 4096);
   251                $this->lines[] = $line;
   252              }
   253            fclose($fh);
   254          }
   255        $this->createPOEntries();
   256        $this->poe_num = count($this->po_entries);
   257      }
   259       function write($save="yes")
   260      {
   261        reset($this->po_entries);
   262        $content = "";
   263        while($poe = each($this->po_entries))
   264          {
   265            $poe = $poe[1];
   266            $content .= $poe->write();
   267          }
   269        if(($fh = fopen($this->filename, "w"))
   270           && $save == "yes")
   271          {
   272            fwrite($fh, $content);
   273            }
   274        return $content;
   275      }
   277       function isComment($class)
   278      {
   279        if($class == LCE_COMMENT || $class == LCE_COMMENT_USER || $class == LCE_COMMENT_TOOL)
   280          return true;
   281        return false;
   282      }
   284       function comment($line, $class)
   285      {
   286        if($this->isComment($class))
   287          {
   288            if($class == LCE_COMMENT_USER)
   289              $this->user_comment .= $line;
   290            else if($class == LCE_COMMENT_TOOL)
   291              $this->sys_comment .= $line;
   292            else
   293              $this->unk_comment .= $line;
   294            return STATE_OK;
   295          }
   296        if($class == LCE_MSGID)
   297          {
   298            $this->state = "msgid";
   299            return STATE_LOOP;
   300          }
   301        return STATE_ABORT;
   302      }
   304       function msgid($line, $class)
   305      {
   306        if($class == LCE_MSGID || $class == LCE_TEXT)
   307          {
   308            $line = $this->stripLine($line, LCE_MSGID);
   309            $this->msgid .= $line;
   310            return STATE_OK;
   311          }
   312        if($class == LCE_MSGSTR)
   313          {
   314            $this->state = "msgstr";
   315            return STATE_LOOP;
   316          }
   317        return STATE_ABORT;
   318      }
   320       function msgstr($line, $class)
   321      {
   322        if($class == LCE_MSGSTR || $class == LCE_TEXT)
   323          {
   324            $line = $this->stripLine($line, $class);
   325            $this->msgstr .= $line;
   326            return STATE_OK;
   327          }
   328        // We have a different state, so we have to create a POEntry
   329        $poe = new POEntry;
   330        $poe->user_comment = trim($this->user_comment);
   331        $poe->sys_comment = trim($this->sys_comment);
   332        $poe->unk_comment = trim($this->unk_comment);
   333        $poe->msgid = trim($this->msgid);
   334        $poe->msgstr = trim($this->msgstr);
   335        $this->po_entries[trim($this->msgid)] = $poe;
   336        $this->state = "start";
   337        return STATE_LOOP;
   338      }
   340       function start($line, $class)
   341      {
   342        $this->user_comment = "";
   343        $this->sys_comment = "";
   344        $this->unk_comment = "";
   345        $this->msgid = "";
   346        $this->msgstr = "";
   347        if($this->isComment($class))
   348          {
   349            $this->state = "comment";
   350            return STATE_LOOP;
   351          }
   352        if($class == LCE_MSGID)
   353          {
   354            $this->state = "msgid";
   355            return STATE_LOOP;
   356          }
   357        return STATE_OK;
   358      }
   360       function createPOEntries()
   361      {
   362        $this->msgid = "";
   363        $this->msgstr = "";
   364        $this->user_comment = "";
   365        $this->sys_comment = "";
   366        $this->state = "start";
   368        reset($this->lines);
   369        for($i = 0; $i < count($this->lines); $i++)
   370          {
   371            $line = $this->lines[$i];
   372            $class = $this->classifyLine($line);
   373            if($class != LCE_WS || !$this->ignore_ws)
   374              {
   375                $state_ret = STATE_LOOP;
   376                while($state_ret == STATE_LOOP)
   377                  {
   378                    $state = $this->state;
   379                    //print "$this->state $class:$line <br>";
   380                    $state_ret = $this->$state($line, $class);
   381                  }
   382                //print "state_ret = $state_ret <br>";
   383              }
   384            if($state_ret == STATE_ABORT)
   385              break;
   386          }
   387        // Get the last entry
   388        if($state_ret != STATE_ABORT)
   389          {
   390            $this->msgstr("", LCE_UNKNOWN);
   391          }
   392      }
   394       function stripLine($line, $class)
   395      {
   396        switch($class)
   397          {
   398          case LCE_TEXT:
   399            ereg('^"(.*)"', $line, $regs);
   400            $line = $regs[1] . "\n";
   401            break;
   402          case LCE_MSGID:
   403            if(substr($line, strlen("msgid")) == "msgid")
   404              {
   405                $line = substr($line, strlen("msgid") + 1);
   406              }
   407            ereg('"(.*)"', $line, $regs);
   408            $line = $regs[1];
   409            break;
   410          case LCE_MSGSTR:
   411            // TODO: Check if ^ can be removed
   412            $line = substr($line, strlen("msgstr") + 1);
   413            ereg('^"(.*)"', $line, $regs);
   414            $line = $regs[1] . "\n";
   415            break;
   417          }
   418        return $line;
   419      }
   421       function printClassification()
   422      {
   423        reset($this->lines);
   424        for($i = 0; $i < count($this->lines); $i++)
   425          {
   426            $line = $this->lines[$i];
   427            $class = $this->classifyLine($line);
   428            print "#$i: $class $line<br>";
   429          }
   430      }
   432       function classifyLine($line)
   433      {
   434        if(ereg("^[ \n\r\t]*$", $line))
   435          return LCE_WS;
   436        if(ereg("^#.*\$", $line))
   437          {
   438            if(ereg("^[,:-~].*", substr($line, 1)))
   439              {
   440                return LCE_COMMENT_TOOL;
   441              }
   442            if(ereg("^[ \n\r\t].*", substr($line, 1)))
   443              {
   444                return LCE_COMMENT_USER;
   445              }
   446            return LCE_COMMENT;
   447          }
   448        if(ereg("^msgid (.*)\$", $line, $regs))
   449          {
   450            $line = $regs[1];
   451            if($this->classifyLine($line) == LCE_TEXT)
   452              return LCE_MSGID;
   453          }
   454        if(ereg("^msgstr (.*)\$", $line, $regs))
   455          {
   456            $line = $regs[1];
   457            if($this->classifyLine($line) == LCE_TEXT)
   458              return LCE_MSGSTR;
   459          }
   460        if(ereg('^".*"', $line))
   461          {
   462                              // TODO: Check correct escapes
   463            return LCE_TEXT;
   464          }
   466        return LCE_UNKNOWN;
   467      }
   468     }
   471   function getTextDomains($lines)
   472     {
   473       $default_domain = "";
   474       $domains = array();
   475       while($gl = each($GLOBALS))
   476      {
   477        $gname = $gl[0];
   478        global $$gname;
   479      }
   480       for($i = 0; $i < count($lines); $i++)
   481      {
   482        if(ereg("bindtextdomain\(([^,]+),([^\)]+)\)", $lines[$i], $regs))
   483          {
   484                              //print "Line:" .  $lines[$i] . " <br>";
   485            $name = $regs[1];
   486            $ev = "\$directory = ". $regs[2] . ";";
   487            print $ev;
   488            eval($ev);
   489            $domains[] = array($name, $directory);
   490          }
   491        if(ereg("textdomain\(([^\)]+)\)", $lines[$i], $regs))
   492          $default_domain = $regs[1];
   493      }
   494       return array($default_domain, $domains);
   495     }
   498   class PORManager extends HtmlValidator
   499     {
   500       var       $por_a;
   502       function PORManager()
   503      {
   504        $this->por_a = array();
   505      }
   507       function addPOReader($d_name, &$por)
   508      {
   509        $this->por_a[$d_name] = &$por;
   510      }
   512       function &getPOReader($domain)
   513      {
   514        return $this->por_a[$domain];
   515      }
   517       function getDomainNames()
   518      {
   519        return array_keys($this->por_a);
   520      }
   521     }
   523   function &loadPORManager()
   524     {
   525       global $LCE_PORMAN;
   526       if(!isset($LCE_PORMAN))
   527      {
   528        $LCE_PORMAN = new PORManager();
   529      }
   530       return $LCE_PORMAN;
   531     }
   534   // More or less intelligent filename joining
   535   // As available in PYTHONs os.path
   536   function fileJoin()
   537     {
   538       $numargs = func_num_args();
   539       $args = func_get_args();
   540       for($i = 0; $i < $numargs - 1; $i++)
   541      {
   542        if(substr($args[$i], -1) != "/")
   543          $args[$i] = $args[$i] . "/";
   544        if($i > 0)
   545          {
   546            if(substr($args[$i],0 , 1) == "/")
   547              $args[$i] = substr($args[$i], 1);
   548          }
   550      }
   551       return join("", $args);
   552     }
   554   if(defined("LCE_TESTSERVER"))
   555     {
   557       function lce_bindtextdomain($d_name, $d_path)
   558      {
   559        global $LANG, $LC_MESSAGES, $LC_ALL, $LCE_LANG;
   560        global $LCE_ERR;
   561        global $LCE_PO_SUFFIX;
   562        global $LCE_MANAGER;
   564        $path_orig = $d_path;
   565        // This is not complete and reflects
   566        // my not very far going understanding of the
   567        // different $LC_x thingies.
   568        if(isset($LC_MESSAGES))
   569          {
   570                              //print "LC_MESSAGES<br>";
   571            $lang_suffix = $LC_MESSAGES;
   572          }
   573        else if(isset($LC_ALL))
   574          {
   575                              //print "LC_ALL<br>";
   576            $lang_suffix = $LC_ALL;
   577          }
   578        else if(isset($LANG))
   579          {
   580                              //print "LANG<br>";
   581            $lang_suffix = $LANG;
   582          }
   583        else
   584          {
   585                              //print "LCE_LANG<br>";
   586            $lang_suffix = $LCE_LANG;
   587          }
   589        //print "LangSuffix: $lang_suffix \n";
   590        //print "D_Path: " . fileJoin($d_path, $lang_suffix, "LC_MESSAGES", $d_name . $LCE_PO_SUFFIX) . "<br>";
   591        // First try: the whole lang_suffix
   593        if(file_exists(fileJoin($d_path, $lang_suffix, "LC_MESSAGES", $d_name . $LCE_PO_SUFFIX)))
   594          $d_path = fileJoin($d_path, $lang_suffix, "LC_MESSAGES", $d_name . $LCE_PO_SUFFIX);
   595        else
   596          {
   597            $lang_suffix = substr($lang_suffix, 0, 2);
   598            if(file_exists(fileJoin($d_path, $lang_suffix, "LC_MESSAGES", $d_name. $LCE_PO_SUFFIX)))
   599              $d_path = fileJoin(fileJoin($d_path, $lang_suffix, "LC_MESSAGES", $d_name . $LCE_PO_SUFFIX));
   600            else
   601              {
   602                $LCE_ERR = "No PO-file found";
   603                return false;
   604              }
   605          }
   606        //print "D_Path: $d_path \n";
   607        $por = new POReader($d_name, $d_path, $path_orig);
   608        $por->read();
   609        $porman =& loadPORManager();
   610        $porman->addPOReader($d_name, $por);
   611        return true;
   612      }
   614       function lce_textdomain($domain)
   615      {
   616        global $LCE_DOMAIN;
   617        $LCE_DOMAIN = $domain;
   618      }
   620       function lce_gettext($msgid)
   621      {
   622        global $LCE_DOMAIN;
   623        return lce_dgettext($LCE_DOMAIN, $msgid);
   624      }
   626       function lce_dgettext($domain, $msgid)
   627      {
   628        $porman =& loadPORManager();
   629        if($por = &$porman->getPOReader($domain))
   630          return $por->gettext($msgid);
   631        return $msgid;
   632      }
   634       function lce()
   635      {
   636        global $LCE_LCEDITLOC;
   637        $porman =& loadPORManager();
   638        $domains = $porman->getDomainNames();
   639        for($i = 0; $i < count($domains); $i++)
   640          {
   641            $por =& $porman->getPOReader($domains[$i]);
   642            $domain = "domain=" . urlencode($por->domain);
   643            $filename = "filename=" . urlencode($por->filename);
   644            $url = $LCE_LCEDITLOC . "?" . $domain . "&" . $filename;
   645            print "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"" . $url . "\">Domain: $por->domain</a><br>";
   646          }
   647      }
   648     }
   649   else
   650     {
   651       function lce_bindtextdomain($domain, $path)
   652      {
   653        bindtextdomain($domain, $path);
   654      }
   656       function lce_textdomain($domain)
   657      {
   658        textdomain($domain);
   659      }
   661       function lce_gettext($msgid)
   662      {
   663        return gettext($msgid);
   664      }
   666       function lce_dgettext($domain, $msgid)
   667      {
   668        return dgettext($domain, $msgid);
   669      }
   670       function lce()
   671      {
   672      }
   673     }
   676   function lce_geteditcode($type, $name, $text, $rows=2)
   677     {
   678       global $LCE_EDIT_LEVEL;
   679       $level_map = array("msgid" => 4,
   680                       "sys_comment" => 3,
   681                       "user_comment" => 2,
   682                       "msgstr" => 1
   683                       );
   684       if($level_map[$type] > $LCE_EDIT_LEVEL)
   685      {
   686        return "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" . $name . "\" value=\"" . $text . "\"><pre>\n" . $text . "\n</pre>";
   687      }
   688       else
   689      {
   690        return "<textarea name=\"" . $name . "\" rows=\"" . $rows . "\" cols=\"60\">" . $text . "</textarea>";
   691      }
   692     }
   693 }
   694 /*
   695   ;;; Local Variables: ***
   696   ;;; mode:C ***
   697   ;;; End: ***
   698 */
   699 ?>

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