11.2 条件

条件による制御構造は候補の中から選択を行ないます。Emacs Lispは5つの条件フォームをもちます。ifは他の言語のものとほとんど同じです。whenunlessifの変種です。condは一般化されたcase命令です。condを汎用化したものがpcaseです(パターンマッチングによる条件を参照)。

Special Form: if condition then-form else-forms…



選択されなかったブランチは決して評価されない — 無視される — ので、ifはスペシャルフォームである。したがって以下の例ではprintが呼び出されることはないのでtrueはプリントされない。

(if nil
    (print 'true)
⇒ very-false
Macro: when condition then-forms…


(when condition a b c)


(if condition (progn a b c) nil)
Macro: unless condition forms…


(unless condition a b c)


(if condition nil
   a b c)
Special Form: cond clause…


(condition body-forms...)






すべてのconditionnilに評価された場合 — つまりすべてのclauseが不成立なら、condnilをリターンする。


(cond ((numberp x) x)
      ((stringp x) x)
      ((bufferp x)
       (setq temporary-hack x) ; 1つのclauseに
       (buffer-name x))        ; 複数bodyフォーム
      ((symbolp x) (symbol-value x)))

前のclauseが不成立のとき最後の条項を実行したいときがよくある。これを行なうには(t body-forms)のように、conditionの最後のclauseにtを使用する。フォームttに評価され決してnilにならないので、このclauseが不成立になることはなく最終的にcondはこのclauseに到達する。たとえば:

(setq a 5)
(cond ((eq a 'hack) 'foo)
      (t "default"))
⇒ "default"



(if a b c)
(cond (a b) (t c))


(let ((result1 (do-computation)))
  (when result1
    (let ((result2 (do-more result1)))
      (when result2
        (do-something result2)))))


(when-let* ((result1 (do-computation))
            (result2 (do-more result1)))
  (do-something result2))


Macro: if-let* varlist then-form else-forms...

Evaluate each binding in varlist, stopping if a binding value is nil. If all are non-nil, return the value of then-form, otherwise the last form in else-forms.

Each element of varlist has the form (symbol value-form): value-form is evaluated and symbol is locally bound to the result. Bindings are sequential, as in let* (see ローカル変数). As a special case, symbol can be omitted if only the test result of value-form is of interest: value-form is evaluated and checked for nil, but its value is not bound.

Macro: when-let* varlist then-forms...

Evaluate each binding in varlist, stopping if a binding value is nil. If all are non-nil, return the value of the last form in then-forms.

varlist has the same form as in if-let*: Each element of varlist has the form (symbol value-form), in which value-form is evaluated and symbol is locally bound to the result. Bindings are sequential, as in let* (see ローカル変数). As a special case, symbol can be omitted if only the test result of value-form is of interest: value-form is evaluated and checked for nil, but its value is not bound.

Macro: and-let* varlist then-forms...

Evaluate each binding in varlist, stopping if a binding value is nil. If all are non-nil, return the value of the last form in then-forms, or, if there are no then-forms, return the value of the last binding.

varlist has the same form as in if-let*: Each element of varlist has the form (symbol value-form), in which value-form is evaluated and symbol is locally bound to the result. Bindings are sequential, as in let* (see ローカル変数). As a special case, symbol can be omitted if only the test result of value-form is of interest: value-form is evaluated and checked for nil, but its value is not bound.


A similar macro exists to run a loop until one binding evaluates to nil:

Macro: while-let spec then-forms...

Evaluate each binding in spec in turn, stopping if a binding value is nil. If all are non-nil, execute then-forms, then repeat the loop. Note that when the loop is repeated, the value-forms in spec are re-evaluated and the bindings are established anew.

varlist has the same form as in if-let*: Each element of varlist has the form (symbol value-form), in which value-form is evaluated and symbol is locally bound to the result. Bindings are sequential, as in let* (see ローカル変数). As a special case, symbol can be omitted if only the test result of value-form is of interest: value-form is evaluated and checked for nil, but its value is not bound.

The return value of while-let is always nil.

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